Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Final Showdown a Thermonuclear War: United States vs. Russia
By: Ricardo C. Amaral

As Gerald Celente have been saying for a while: “World War III” has been underway...and that spark similar to the Archduke Franz Ferdinand event can happen at any time.”

The ironic thing is that some people in the United States is so delusional, that they think the US can win a thermonuclear war against Russia.

The reality is: there would be no winner in such a thermonuclear war. Everybody lose that one.

Here is a reality check that would be very inconvenient and also bad for our health.

For example here is a preview of things to come, just imagine 7,000 of these fireworks lighting up the skies all around the United States:

The Day After (1983)


The Truthseeker: US plans 'first strike' on Russia – June 1, 2014

Time: 11 min.

Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons "unofficial declaration of war"; "soft assassinations" planned for last weekend's EU election winners.

Seek truth from facts with Gladio, NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe author and former European MP Richard Cottrell; Stop NATO newslist's Rick Rozoff; and Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.


A lot of people in Washington are gung-ho about using thermonuclear weapons against Russia, but there's just a minor drawback about that type of strategy – there will be no human beings alive in our planet to take a victory lap.

Greg Hunter – June 3, 2014

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - Belief U.S. Can Win Nuclear War Makes it Likely

Is America safe if the U.S. makes a preemptive nuclear strike? Dr. Paul Craig Robert's says no-way and explains, "Even if every American city is spared retaliation, all the Americans would die too due to the radiation and due to the nuclear winter. . . . all of the temperate climates would have freezing temperatures every day of the year for three years. So, clearly there wouldn't be any food grown. This is over and above whatever the radiation does to people."

What about Russia and China making a first strike of their own? Do you think that is far-fetched? Dr. Roberts points out, "What I am telling you is in the public record. This isn't an opinion. This is all in the public record. Anyone can read it. The Russians and the Chinese are both fully aware of it. . . .

This is very dangerous for Washington to have this doctrine and to be implementing it by putting ABM bases in Poland. . . . Of course, these systems never work like people think they will work, they never do. There are no winners. It is impossible to win. This is ignorance, and the belief you can win a nuclear war makes it possible, makes it likely. "

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the Chairman of the The Institute for Political Economy. In a varied career, spanning academia, journalism, business and public service, he has held numerous senior academic positions in universities; was an associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal ; and was appointed by President Reagan as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during Reagan's first term in office; after which he served as a consultant to both the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.


April 2006

Here is one of my postings at the Elite Trader Forum in April 2006, when we were having a discussion on that forum about the nuclear weapons problem between the US and North Korea.

Toc: Reply to SouthAmerica,

At this moment, US can launch first strike on Russia and destroy ALL its nukes and any retaliation capability. With such standing US can afford to meddle into the internal affairs of a terrorist mullah fanatic nation like Iran.


April 11, 2006

SouthAmerica: You obviously never heard of “Satan”. “Satan” is the code name for the Russian nuclear weapons system that can launch a nuclear war. The Russians nuclear missiles system can be reprogrammed to hit every major US city in a matter of one minute. As soon the Russians think that the US has launched nuclear missiles on their direction they would press the bottom in the “Satan” box.

“Satan” is programmed to not accept any reprogramming after its missiles have been launched from Russia and Satan launches 7,000 nuclear warheads at the same time with one push of the bottom.

Sure the US can launch a nuclear warhead against the Russians. But can the US handle the 7,000 warheads that would be coming on its way and would hit every major US city?

Sorry Toc, but you believe in “Fairy Tales,” the reality is: the US can’t afford a nuclear warhead exchange even with starving North Korea, never mind with the Russians.

Have you noticed how the US government toned down its bullshit about nuclear weapons since the North Koreans told them that they already have the nukes – you don’t see the US government talking about attacking the North Korean nuclear weapons facilities!


Recent developments:

Russia to create two new super missiles, more powerful than Satan – December 14, 2014


Russia works on 100-ton monster ballistic missile – December 19, 2011


Reality check for a thermonuclear war between the: USA vs. Russia

Don't worry about the nukes, the Soviet Union over 50 years ago they already had a thermonuclear weapon twice as powerful than the “Tsar Bomba” - just imagine what the Russians must have today with their state-of-the-art technology of the 21st century.

If the “Tsar Bomba” the 57 megaton bomb was 2,500 times more powerful than the deadly bomb that annihilated Hiroshima, then the Soviet Union 100 megaton bomb that they never tested must be at least 5,000 times more powerful than the deadly bomb that annihilated Hiroshima.

Tsar Bomba - 2,500 times more powerful than the deadly bomb that annihilated Hiroshima

Tsar Bomba ("Emperor Bomb") is the nickname for the Russian hydrogen bomb, the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. It's October 30, 1961 test remains the most powerful artificial nuclear explosion in human history.

It was the ultimate display of mankind's destructive power - an earth-shattering explosion 2,500 times more powerful than the deadly bomb that annihilated Hiroshima and helped bring an end to the Second World War.


Keep in mind the Tsar Bomb was technology of 50 years ago most likely today the Russians have an improved version of the Tsar Thermonuclear Bomb.

TSAR Thermonuclear Bomb: Detonated on October30, 1961 by USSR

Discovery Channel - Ultimates - Explosions - Tsar bomb segment


The Tsar Bomba or “King of the Bombs” was just a 57,000,000 Tonnes of TNT – The Soviet Union had a “Thermonuclear Bomb” twice as powerful the 100,000,000 Tonnes thermonuclear bomb that was never tested – the Russians were afraid of testing that one, but the device was ready to go. If a “Tsar Bomba” was dropped in New York city the destruction it would have been astronomical, and that would have killed everything alive from New York to Philadelphia which is only 100 miles away.

I don't think the Soviet Union ever gave a name for the 100,000,000 Tonnes Thermonuclear bomb, but an appropriate name for this new toy is: “The Apocalypse”

If “The Apocalypse Thermonuclear bomb” ever be dropped in any US city the destruction it would be astronomical, and “The Apocalypse” could kill everything that is alive in a radius of over 200 miles around it.

“The Apocalypse Thermonuclear bomb” is 5,000 times more powerful than the deadly bomb that annihilated Hiroshima.

The Apocalypse”

The Soviet Union had in 1963 a hydrogen bomb twice as powerful than “Big Ivan” or the “Tsar Bomba” - let's call the 100 megaton thermonuclear bomb: “The Apocalypse”

On 16 January 1963 Khrushchev made an explicit claim that the Soviet Union was in possession of a 100 megaton bomb, claiming that it was located in East Germany.


On the beach (1959)

It's very sad if the human race ever get to this point.

The End


Ricardo C. Amaral
Author and economist

He can be reached at:
